Week of March 9, 2025
Attendance: 117
Events this Week 
Monday            Food Pantry, VCM                                                     
TuesdayClassical Conversations; Church Cleaning 
WednesdayBible Study is BACK! 6pm Pot luck meal, study at 6:30pm. Book of Mark; MennoKids same time as Bible Study
Thursday       Sewing Circle   
Saturday FH reserved for Shields

Easter Egg Hunt is being planned for April 12. 
We will need many helpers! 
There will be a sign up sheet at the mailboxes soon.

March 16th, the children will be performing some new songs they have been learning in Children's Church.  Plan to be here to hear them!

*Youth Bible Study:
2nd and 4th Wednesdays: Middle School Co-ed group.

*The Wednesday Bible Study is the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month. The group is reading through the New Testament.  This is also when MennoKids meets!  This is for the elementary aged children. For more information, contact Rudy Cox.

See the bulletin for a complete list of announcements.
Bulletins can be found on the website as well.  

Lacey Spring Food Pantry operates every Monday afternoon from 1-5:30pm.  Volunteers are needed to help stock shelves from 9:30am until 1pm.  Help getting food boxes to vehicle is also a need. Talk to Kay Kibler if you can help.  If you know someone that needs community service hours have them reach out to either Kay.
Ladies Supper Club is the first Monday of every month.  The ladies meet at Vitos in Harrisonburg, at 5:30.  They have a small devotion and lots of connecting!  Talk to Melinda Armentrout for more details.
Men's Fellowship is the first Wednesday of every month.  The men meet at Traditions at noon.  Kent Armentrout is the Coordinator.
Sewing Circle meets the 2nd Thursday of every month.  They meet in the Sewing Room, next to the library.
Ladies Luncheon meets the 3rd Thursday of every month.  Location varies. Phyllis Martin is the Coordinator for this group. 
Youth Bible Study: 1st and 3rd Wednesday: MS Girls Small group. 2nd and 4th Wednesdays: 4th-8th graders all gender youth group. For details on where, check with Pastor LaShonda.
The Wednesday Bible Study is the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month.  Supper at 6pm followed by Bible Study for the adults and MennoKids at 6:30pm.  The group is reading through the New Testament. Come join them! 
If you have any information for the bulletin, please have it to the church office or email by Wednesday evenings. The church email is gracemennofellowship@gmail.com

 General Announcements
*Giving is simple and easy through EasyTithe OR you can mail a check to the church.  Easy Tithe online giving is available on gracemennonite.net! See the bottom of any page on the website for “My Online Donation.” You do not need to register to use this giving tool, but you can set up an account if you wish. Either a credit/debit card or your bank account can be used to make your donation. Contact the church office or Keith Bly with questions.
*The Lacey Spring Food Pantry is available for anyone who is in need of food. The Pantry is open on Mondays.  Our hours are 1-5:30pm. Talk to Kay Kibler if you are interested in helping.
*Vertical Connection Ministries Mobile Clothes Bank is working alongside
Lacey Spring Food Pantry serving the community. Available every Monday from 9:30-2:30pm
For more info, see Glen Adams. 
*Support Grace Mennonite Fellowship Learning Center in the Philippines! If you are interested in being part of this mission, talk to Joann Showalter, Richard Early, Angelique Liskey, Diane Oswald, or Wayne Showalter.

*Church office hours: Tuesday and Thursday 10am-2pm. 
Please understand that sometimes office hours and days change. 
Message us through email, gracemennofellowship@gmail.com. Voicemails may be left at 540-442-6235.
Thank you! 
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